Customer Name / اسم العميل | Rosetta Darden | ||||||||||
Mobile Number / هاتف | 0471 97 40 25 | ||||||||||
Email / البريد الالكترونى | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | ||||||||||
Brand/النوع |
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How Satisfied Are you with the way you treated ? ما مدى رضاك على الطريقى التى عوملت بها | |||||||||||
How Satisfied are you with the way processes were organized by Q-Auto ? ما مدى رضاك على الاجراءات المتبعة فى كيو- اوتو | |||||||||||
How Satisfied are you with the overall advice you received from our sales representative ? ما مدى رضاك بصفة عامة عن الخدمة المقدمة من قبل موظف المبيعات لدينا | |||||||||||
If you now think about the purchase of your new car, how satisfied are you with our services overall from Q-Auto ? عندما تتذكر عملية شراءك لسيارتك الجديدة, ما مدى رضاك بصفة عامة عن كيو - اوتو | |||||||||||
Were you offered To Trade in your previous car by our sales representative ? هل عرض عليك صفقة تبادلية بسيارتك من قبل موظف المبيعات لدينا |
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Was your new car delivered on the date originally promised by the sales representative ? هل تم تسليم سيارتك الجديدة بتاريخ الموعد المتفق علية من موظف المبيعات لدينا |
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Comments / Area of improvements / اذا كان لديك تعليق او ملاحظة لرجاء كتابها | Hi there, Huge fan of your website! Anyway - I hate long messages, so to keep this short..I know it's pretty hard to build articles around keywords you want to target. But what if there was a way to just get any article and in one click change it into a unique one, ready to be published? Well, there is.. have you ever heard of Spin Rewriter? Itțs the most complex article spinner, using AI to find the best synonyms to create a new article, with different words, that basically says the same thing. It is so professionally built, that it can add videos, pictures or html tags to your article. You can find the spinner here: And the best part? It has a totally free 7 days trial, to try all of its features and see if it will work for you. If you want to learn more about this great tool, you can reply to this email or you can read the article I've written about it here: |